What's the right age to enrol?

HSC Textiles & Design Classes


Years 8-12

Students who are thinking of a career in fashion – and their parents – often ask us what is the best age to start their HSC Mentoring program. We would usually recommend that they enrol in Year 10, but based on our latest experiences with high school students, we can easily say that anytime from Year 8 is good.

Why so Early?

Many parents of today’s students learnt how to sew at home with their (mostly) mothers, but this is not so much the case anymore. Most students need to learn the very basics of sewing and machine use. Sewing and pattern design, like most disciplines, require practice and experience to perfect. Student should plan to attend a half or whole day and need to allow a few terms to acquire and hone their new skills.

HSC Major Work … is a major amount of work!

Our students often want to complete advanced and intricate work for their HSC project and they need to balance the time frame the school places on their work and the complexity of what they want to achieve. Starting early allows students to practice when they have more time available and take some of the pressure off in the last years of school. Design degrees don’t often include advanced sewing classes and our training provides an excellent grounding for students who want to progress to design degrees in later life.

HSC Textiles & Design Program
HSC Workshops


Term 1: 22 January - 7 April 2024
Term 2: 15 April - 30 June 2024
Term 3: 8 July - 22 September 2024
Term 4: 30 September - 15 December 2024

We also invite students and their parents to contact our college and organise a complimentary appointment with our Principal, Gaylene McCaw, to discuss individual requirements.