The quality and originality of the garments that have come out of the studio so far this year has been outstanding. It’s truly inspirational to reflect on how talented our students are. Here’s a sample of what they’ve been working on.
Draping is a real art form. This is an advanced technique, but definitely a skill worth learning. Students start by learning Pattern Making & Garment Construction techniques before advancing to Draping.
Just in time for winter, a beautifully-sewn woollen cape made from a commercial pattern
There are always oohs and aahs in the studio when someone breaks into their vintage stash. This one’s a real stunner and we can’t wait to see what it becomes. Maybe something made from a vintage pattern?
A beautiful example of fashion illustration. It makes me want to turn it into an actual garment!
Lingerie is not a beginner’s project, but if you start with a basic pattern drafting course, you can work your way up to this.
A well-fitted tailored jacket with beautiful welt pockets
This beautiful lace blouse is deceptively simple. The work involved in the fitting stage pays off. If you’re interested in learning to sew lace, we offer a skirt-making class.
Even the toile skirt looks good enough to wear!
Wow! The colours, the design and the fit … just wow.